How Do I Become A Volunteer?
The safety and well-being of all participants in the Little League® program continues to be paramount, and it is on all of us to do our part to provide a fun, memorable, and safe experience each year. With the requirement of all volunteers to complete Abuse Awareness training each year, we are proud to announce the launch of the new Little League Abuse Awareness Course.
This course, which serves as a replacement for the programs previously available through third-party organizations like USA Baseball, is custom to the Little League program and provides an easier learning experience for our volunteers. Required to be completed by all volunteers each year, this course is available as part of the training and education courses at, making signing up for the course even easier for our volunteers.
NEW in 2024: All volunteers (including coaches, managers, and parent volunteers) are required to complete the Abuse Awareness Training course. Click on the link below, register for free, and launch the "Abuse Awareness for Adults" course. Volunteers are also encouraged to complete Little League's Diamond Leader Training (this is required for All-Star staff).
Both eLearning courses can be done on your own time and take less than 30 minutes. Wethersfield Little League urges all parents to register as volunteers and take the training courses prior to the 2024 season.
Links to Training:
Diamond Leader Training
Abuse Awareness Training
Why Should I Become a Volunteer?
Little League Baseball and Softball is an organization designed to build good citizens. It is a program of leadership, preparing today’s youth to be tomorrow’s leaders. At the local level, Little League relies on a devoted legion of adult volunteers to help ensure that the organization remains structured and runs smoothly. Your local Little League program is always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate Little League events and activities. As a volunteer, you should have a keen interest in the safety, well-being, and overall development of children. By reading further, you will discover that the benefits of volunteering are endless. You will also gain a better understanding of why you should become involved, who volunteers are, what you can do, and how you can sign up.